Facility Usage
Reservation Instructions and Forms
It is important that if members wish to enjoy the beautiful amenities we have in our neighborhood, we do so in an orderly way.
That means reserving them in advance so there are no miscommunication between neighbors who may want to enjoy the same facility at the same time.
Make sure and read the instructions completely before completing the reservation and usage form.
Members will also be required to complete a waiver of liability form for use of all WCSHA facilities.
Please find below the reservation instructions and appropriate forms for amenities that may be reserved.
When you access a form, it will open in a new window and may be downloaded or printed for your use.
For all of the facilities there will be additional paperwork to complete.ย Please contact the office for the complete reservation package.
All reservation forms and deposits must be delivered to the Association Office during office hours to complete your reservation.
Important: Reservations are not final until all of the required paperwork for the amenity is completed and deposits (if applicable) are received by the office.
Thanks, and have fun!

Instructions For Reserving: