The November Annual Community Meeting was called to order by Ken Emerson, Board President, at 8:00 pm on Thursday, November 8, 2018 at the Walnut Creek Clubhouse. Board Members in attendance were Joe Blount, Gary Droege, Scott Eiken, Ken Emerson, Halley Freeman, Mike Howell, Jacqui Maiseroulle, Tyler Unsell, and Siobhann Williams.

Ken Emerson welcomed all guests. Guests were reminded to make sure they signed in and received Annual Meeting ballots if applicable.

Committee Reports:

Members in attendance were provided with reports from each of the Board Committees regarding their activities and projects for 2018.

The Finance Committee provided the financial report for 2018 that included a look at the 2019 Homes Association Operational and Capital Budgets.

ย Board Member Election:

The terms of Mike Howell, Tyler Unsell, and Jacqui Maiseroulle were scheduled to complete at end of year 2018.

The floor was opened for nominations to fulfill the expiring terms. The nominees included Tyler Unsell, Jacqui Maiseroulle, and Howard Matteson. Mike Howell did not accept nomination based on business commitments. Marti Zirschky was also nominated, but declined.

Each nominee then provided a brief introduction of themselves to members and comments on their interest in serving on the Board of Directors. Once completed, the community members were encouraged to ask nominees questions regarding their interests and experience.

Based on having only three (3) nominees for election, it was moved that the nominees be appointed to the Board through acclamation by a showing of hands. The nominees were approved without objection.

Appreciation was expressed to everyone who participated in this important Homes Association Annual Meeting process!

The meeting was adjourned without objection.