President Josh Owenby called to order the regular monthly meeting of the Walnut Creek South Homes Association on Thursday, November 1, 2022, at 6:00 P. M. at the Association Clubhouse. Board members in attendance were Ed Cayton, Josh Owenby, Bryce Palmer, Carly Rouse, and Kim Wilhoite. Unable to attend was Carol Arnold, Jay McMinn, and Carol Franklin.


2023 Budget –ย  Ed Cayton made a motion to approve the suggested 2023 budget, seconded by Kim Wilhoite.ย  The motion passed four approving and one dissenting.ย  (Attachment 221110-4)


Administration:ย  Bryce Palmer*, Josh Owenby
Clubhouse:ย  Carly Rouse*, Janette Hale
Community: Carly Rouse*, Bryce Palmer, Meghan Robinson
Finance:ย Kim Wilhoite*, Summer Hogan, Janette Hale
Grounds: Ed Cayton*, Kim Wilhoite, Summer Hogan
Pool: Josh Owenby*, Ed Cayton, Meghan Robinson

Respectfully Submitted by Angela Ray