The August Community Meeting was called to order by Ken Emerson, Board President, at 7:00 pm on August 13, 2020, at the Walnut Creek Clubhouse.ย Board Members in attendance were Gary Droege, Ken Emerson, Jacqui Maiseroulle, Halley Freeman, Carol Franklin and Jay McMinn.ย Tyler Unsell, Howard Matteson and Carol Arnold were unable to attend.
Ken Emerson welcomed all guests and the Board approved minutes for the July monthly Board Meeting.
Old Business:
Board Members approved a request from the Administration Committee for the suspension of privileges of those violating restrictive covenants.
Gary Droege advised that the South Platte Fire Department was expected to come out in the next week to provide official occupancy numbers for the clubhouse.
Ken Emerson advised that the top two lien holders had paid their balance in full and that the two remaining have an expected court date of October 8th.
Committee Reports
Administration:ย Still waiting to hear from the insurance representative as to a quote on Liquor Liability coverage.
Recent communication from the city of Parkville as to their Master Plan was largely for getting input from Parkville and surrounding communities as to their thoughts and interest of future characteristics of the city.
Clubhouse:ย The August election went smoothly.ย The Board unanimously voted to continue to keep the clubhouse closed and suspend reservations for private events, to be revisited at the next board meeting.
Community Relations:ย An ice cream truck will be available to provide residents with a free frozen treat this weekend.
The neighborhood cleanup is planned for October 3rd; residents will have to load/unload their own material, assistance will not be provided due to social distancing precautions in light of the pandemic.
Finance:ย Agreements with residents to pay past dues are having success.
Pools:ย The pool will operate under normal summer hours through Labor Day due to the start of the school year having been delayed until after the holiday and will still remain within the original budget.
The meeting was adjourned without objection.